July 28, 2024
In the vast realm of modern programming languages, some rise to prominence while
others remain forever in the shadows. Raku, initially named Perl 6, is one such language
that, despite its powerful features, has failed to gather a
developer base large enough to cause the language to become mainstream. Here's my take on why Raku has failed to catch on, based on
personal experience, observation, and lots of waiting.
raku (17)
August 2, 2023
I wanted to learn to create a dynamically-named method inside a dynamically-named class in Raku. This is what I ended up with:
#!/usr/bin/env raku
my $class-name = "MyDynamicClass";
my $method-name = "dynamic-method";
raku (17) ruby (5) meta (1)
January 23, 2021
Console Blackjack for Raku.
Current Version: v1.0.6
Install using zef:
zef install Console::Blackjack
raku (17) blackjack (17) console (14)
May 25, 2020
ORM::ActiveRecord is an object-relational mapping module for Raku that mostly follows the Active Record Pattern.
Install using zef:
zef install --/test ORM::ActiveRecord
More info:
raku (17) orm (1) active-record (1)
May 5, 2020
A behavior driven development framework for Raku.
Install using zef:
zef install BDD::Behave
raku (17) testing (2) bdd (1)
May 5, 2020
HTML Abstraction Markup Language for Raku. A shameless rip-off of Ruby HAML.
raku (17) haml (1) template (1)
November 8, 2019
Fizz Buzz written in Raku
raku (17) fizzbuzz (1)
October 26, 2019
Here's my shell script for building MoarVM, NQP, and Rakudo from source.
raku (17) moarvm (1) build (1) zef (1) readline (1) nqp (1)