Build Raku from source
Here's my shell script for building MoarVM, NQP, and Rakudo from source.
Here's my shell script for building MoarVM, NQP, and Rakudo from source.
ORM::ActiveRecord now has support for has-many through relationships.
Raku's string split routine accepts a scalar as well as a list for its delimiter.
It has been decided that Perl 6 will be renamed to Raku.
It is often the case in object oriented programming you need to compare two objects to see if they are the same. Usually it just means doing a deeper comparison of the attributes on each object.
I fixed my Raku (Perl 6) book titles.
Roles are collections of methods and attributes that can be mixed into classes. A role provides an alternate form of code reuse from inheritance. Roles are mixed in using "is" or "does".
Being a long time Ruby user and Lisp dabbler, Rakudo Perl 6 meta-programming capabilities ranked high on my list of curiosities. Meta-programming can be described as "writing code that writes code". This includes code that can alter itself. I was experimenting and...