Greg Donald : ORM::ActiveRecord has-many through Page

ORM::ActiveRecord has-many through

ORM::ActiveRecord now has support for has-many through relationships.

For example, a user has access to magazines through the subscriptions relationship:

class Subscription {...} # stub

class User is Model {
  submethod BUILD {
    self.has-many: subscriptions => class => Subscription;
    self.has-many: magazines => through => :subscriptions;

class Magazine is Model {}

class Subscription is Model {
  submethod BUILD {
    self.belongs-to: user => class => User;
    self.belongs-to: magazine => class => Magazine;

my $user = User.create({fname => 'Greg'});
my $magazine = Magazine.create({title => 'Mad'});
Subscription.create({:$user, :$magazine});

say $user.magazines.first == $magazine;

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