Console Blackjack in Rust
I wrote a console version of Blackjack in Rust.
I wrote a console version of Blackjack in Rust.
I wanted to access a RHEL machine from Cacti, so I needed to install and configure net-snmp on there first.
yum install net-snmp
After installing net-snmp the snmpd.conf needs to be configured:
vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
Install irssi and oidentd:
# apt install oidentd irssi irssi-scripts build-essential
See that oidentd is now running:
# ps aux | grep oidentd
This is how I install xfce4 on a new Debian.
ORM::ActiveRecord is an object-relational mapping module for Raku that mostly follows the Active Record Pattern.
Install using zef:
zef install --/test ORM::ActiveRecord
More info:
I wrote a Console version of Blackjack in Perl.
A behavior driven development framework for Raku.
Install using zef:
zef install BDD::Behave
HTML Abstraction Markup Language for Raku. A shameless rip-off of Ruby HAML.