Sam Harris, Robert Sapolsky, Dan Dennett, and Rush Walk Into a Bar…

Do We Really Have Free Will?

Ah, free will—everyone's favorite topic for debates that make your brain feel like it's trying to do yoga. The question is: Do we actually make our own choices, or is everything we do already set in stone by forces beyond our control? Here's my not really that deep of a dive into some perspectives on the big question, starting with some serious science guys (Sam Harris and Robert Sapolsky), getting a little elbow room from philosopher Dan Dennett, and then letting rock legends Rush have the last word.

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The 7 stages of accepting that you probably do not have free will

1. Shock / Disbelief
"Wait, what do you mean I don’t have free will?"
Encountering the idea for the first time can be unsettling. Many people are startled, as the belief in personal freedom feels deeply ingrained.

2. Denial
"That’s ridiculous. I make my own decisions all the time!"
Here, one might resist the idea, clinging to their experience of conscious choice. The idea that all actions are determined by brain chemistry, physics, or fate feels counterintuitive.

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